Leavers’ Destinations

Our pupils receive offers from some of the most prestigious Independent and Grammar Schools in London. Heath House is fortunate to enjoy excellent relationships with many top Senior Schools. 

Overview of Destination and Achievements

Since its inception, Heath House children have consistently joined excellent schools, including Dulwich College, Westminster Under School, City of London School for Boys, City of London School for Girls, Alleyn’s School, JAGS, Sevenoaks School, Eltham College, Newstead Wood School, St Olave’s Grammar School and many more.

It is not uncommon for our pupils to secure multiple offers. The Year 6 children of 2024 secured 57 offers along with 16 scholarships in total.

The consistent performance of Heath House pupils in securing places at top independent and grammar schools, coupled with the high number of scholarships awarded each year, underscores the school’s excellence in preparing pupils for 11+ entry and highlights the school’s ongoing commitment to high academic standards and the resulting success of its pupils.

Explore the year-wise Leavers’ destinations below.